Week 4 Outdoor Pursuits 110

Posted: April 27, 2020

Assignment...  Knot Tying Mastery (see attached lesson and click on globes for links)

This week we will be working on your knot tying skills.  You will need to find materials to use for tying knots: ropes, shoe laces, fishing line, etc…  Be sure to go through the attached SMART lesson and check out the video/links by clicking on the globes.  I have included links within the SMART lesson to animations that may help as well.  There are also lots of apps – I like ‘Knots Art 3D’. 


Useful Knots…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABIRlz-qxSI

Animated Knots… https://www.animatedknots.com/

Knot Art 3D App…  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/knots-art-3d/id967811250

Uncle Paulie's Knots...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeLks-pcxos&feature=youtu.be


Show What You Have Mastered:  There are 10 knots that I would like you to try to master.  Take video clips of each knot you have mastered and compile all of these into one video… email to Ashley.Hallihan@nbed.nb.ca.  If you are unable to create a video… clips on Instagram and tag @outdoorpursuits2020.  Here are the knots…


1)      Half Hitch (camping knot)

2)      Prusik (camping knot)

3)      Truckers (camping knot)

4)      Double Fisherman (camping knot)

5)      Clove (camping knot)

6)      Bowline (climbing knot)

7)      Double Figure Eight (climbing knot)

8)      Turle (fishing knot)

9)      Improved Clinch (fishing knot)

10)   Blood (fishing knot)


Note...  I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday.  I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well.  I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email.  Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page.  Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.