Ms. Fiander Archive - 09/2013

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 4, 2011

      6F/6M    get test signed and corrected,do questions from the board         7D    NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!

Posted: October 3, 2011

      6F/6M     Review facts,mental math strategies.Solve the equation.         7D     Finish draft of self portrait Read pages16-19 Quiz signed Study facts Sumary (sticky notes)

Posted: September 30, 2011

Well, September is almost over but I am just getting my page up and running.  Welcome back to Middle School everyone.   This year I have a grade 6 homeroom class.  I am teaching Grade 6F and 6M Math, Grade 7D Science and the Health Exploratory to all the Middle School Classes.   In Math Grade 6 this year, we will be focusing on Number Sense and Patterns for the most part.  Students have a package in their binders that was sent at the first of September that has some information regarding their responsibility about their Math and some expectations at home.  If there is not a formal homework assignment in Math, students are asked to be going over their facts and  mental math strategies.   TUTORING FOR GRADE 6 MATH WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY FROM 3:10-4:00.    

Posted: May 13, 2011

Just a reminder to parents of grade 6 students.  We will be writing our assessment for Science on June 6 and 7, make up day will be June 8.   I have prepared a sheet with the four main areas-- flight, variety of life, space and electricity.  Please make sure your child is spending some time each night to go over the notes and try to address the points under each of the headings.    I will be spending some time reviewing in class, but I will need the students to be doing their part at home.  

Posted: October 1, 2010

Well students and parents, it is hard to believe that we have been back at school for a month!!!!!!!!!!   Just a few reminders to students:   Grade 8--Projects on "Locations" is due on Wednesday, October 5, 2010   Also Grade 8, don't forget about the compass activity on Monday, October 4, 2010.  Come prepared to go outside!!!!!!!!!!   Grade 6 students, working on project about the country of their choice.  Due date undecided.   Have a great weekend!

Posted: September 1, 2010

Here is the list of the supplies that each student will need for the first day of school. Please make sure that everybody has everything on this list for the first day of school. See you then!

Posted: September 1, 2010

I hope everyone has had a great summer and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
