Ms. Fiander Archive - 09/2013

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Posted: February 27, 2012

     Math grades 6F/6M Sheet 36, 37.        7D Science Study for Science Test

Posted: February 21, 2012

     Math grades 6F/6M p.94 questions 2-8. Study.      7D Science Study--quiz. TEST SOON!!!!!!!  

Posted: February 20, 2012

     Math Grades 6F/6M Do reflect and at home on page 94.      7D Science Study.

Posted: February 17, 2012

     Math Grades 6F/6M Page 94,Questions 2-7     

Posted: February 16, 2012

     Math Grades 6F/6M Finish to #8 on 2 digitx3 digit sheet.      7D Science Test signed. Study. Organized notes and diagrams.

Posted: February 15, 2012

     Math Grades 6F/6M Finish sheet. Bring warm clothes for snow shoeing. T-shirt money.

Posted: February 14, 2012

       Math Grades 6F/6M Teat signed and corrected.        7D Science Quiz signed. Pass in #7[ page 70 ]

Posted: February 13, 2012

      Math Grades 6F/6M Finish sheets. Study facts,strategies, and place value charts.       7D Science Quiz signed. #7 Passed in. Study.

Posted: February 10, 2012

    Math Grades 6F/6M 1-3 on multiplcation sheet. 1 and 2 on front of other sheet. Study Facts. Study place value charts.    Science 7D Finish sketches and question.

Posted: February 9, 2012

      Math Grades 6F/6M Page 118 questions 1,2,3 and 5       7D Science Study watercycles
