Ms. Duffy

Grade 5 French Immersion

Posted: September 18, 2023

Les Devoirs

1)   Read

2)  Student Fee

3)  Gym Clothes

4)  Water Bottle



Students are asked to red their guided reading book at least three times a week. Please be sure to return the book to school each day as it will be used in class.



Le mystère de numéro 7 

L’invitation surprise

Les loups

Jeu d’équipe


Gym Clothes

Students are expected to change for gym class. Please make sure these clothes are being changed out from week to week (or more if you prefer).

Up coming Dates

September 22nd – No School (PL Day)

September 28th – Fletchers Farm Field Trip

September 29th – Orange Shirt Day

October 2nd – No School (National Truth and Reconciliation Day)

October 9th – No School (Thanksgiving)

Posted: September 17, 2023

Posted: September 14, 2023

Tomorrow is the Terry Fox walk. Please dress for the weather. Students are welcomed to bring in a $2 donation towards the Terry Fox foundation. 

Posted: September 13, 2023

Posted: September 12, 2023

Posted: September 12, 2023

Posted: September 11, 2023

Les Devoirs



No homework this week.



Please remember to pay student fee ($25).



Pictures due back September 14th

    For retakes, return the form and check the retakes box.



Terry Fox Walk


Students are encouraged to bring in a donation of $2 or more. Forms are due back September 15th.

Walk is September 15th 10:15am. 




Posted: September 8, 2023

PDF icon pourquoi_vit-on_en_groupe.pdf3.2 MB

Posted: September 6, 2023

Posted: September 5, 2023

We had a wonderful day in grade 5 today. 


1) please sign/fill out both sides of yellow and white sheet. All other sheets can be kept home. 
2) students fee is $25.

3) gym is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please send a change of clothes. 
4) please remember a water bottle. It was very hot today. 
5) picture day September 7th. 

6) no cafeteria this week. Breakfast program begins September 6th.



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