Ms. Duffy - Archived - 09/2017

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Posted: October 19, 2015

6D Homeroom School clothing form Please remember to bring in an excuses for any absences from school If you arrive at school after 8:30 please make sure you sign in at the office Halloween Party 7-9 October 27 admission is $ 7 6D & 6O French Good Copy of book is due Friday 7M French Phénomène étrange is due at the end of the week, it is now for homework. Grade 8W and 8D No homework

Posted: October 13, 2015

6D HomeroomDance Thursday Oct 15 6:30 to 8, admission $5.Blackville School clothing form was sent home with your child today. They are due back Nov 10th (Great idea for Christmas). Halloween dance Oct 27thDrama starts this week, first practice wednesday @ lunch and after school from 3-4pm.Parents are reminded that the middle school does go outside for noon hour and to dress acording to climat. 7M French Ogopogo was due today at the end of class and please begin to brain storm ideas for your legend. 6D French La Chasse poster is to be finished be next class. Should know what your four chapters in your book will be by next class. 6O French No class today :)8W French No class today ;)8D FrenchNo homewrok    

Posted: October 7, 2015

6D Homeroom No School Thursday, Friday and Monday (WOW)Movie night @ 9:15- Hocus PocusPicture Retakes Oct. 26thYearbook Order Forms sent home (online ordering available)School Clothing order forms - COMING Monday7NO SCHOOL OCT. 8th, 9th & 12th.  6O French Comic due Wednesday as there is no school Friday :)7M FrenchParagraph on Ogopogo due Thursday Oct 15th 8W & 8D French No homework 

Posted: October 6, 2015

6D HomeroomMovie night Oct. 7th @ 9:15- Hocus PocusPicture Retakes Oct. 26thYearbook Order Forms sent home (online ordering available)School Clothing order forms - COMING SOONMiddle School DANCE Oct. 15th @ 6:30 - 8:00 - Cost $5NO SCHOOL OCT. 8th, 9th & 12th. Grade store open every Friday - Cost is $1 per item 6O French Comic due Friday6D, 7M, 8W & 8D French No Homewrok    

Posted: September 29, 2015

Posted: September 29, 2015

6D & 6O French Please make sure you have your fall photo here tomorrow. Poems due Wednesday7M French No homework8W & 8DAll paragraphs should be handed in by Thrusday, as we have moved on to another  lesson.  

Posted: September 25, 2015

6D – Homeroom Ice Cream Sandwiches for sale every Friday. School Dances: Parents are reminded that once students are at the dance they are not to leave. If they are being picked up early by a parent, a teacher will wait with them until a parent or guardian arrives. If a student is not attending a dance, they should not be hanging out at the school. Students are not permitted to play on the playground after the dance, they must be picked up after the dance is over. 60 French   Make sure you have your fall photo by Monday Good copy of paragraph due Monday Good copy of Poem due Wednesday 6D French Make sure you have your fall photo by Tuesday Good copy of paragraph due at the end of class Tuesday 7M French Good Copy of monster is due Tuesday (no exceptions) 8 W and 8 D We are continuing to work in the computer lab on a research project

Posted: September 22, 2015

Homeroom 6D Pre-Order popcorn for Friday must be paid by Wednesday ($1 if interested) Ice Cream Sandwiches are on sale each Friday ($1 fundraiser for grade 8 trip) Friday's are Hat Day ($1) Newsletter was sent home today, some students did not get one and will be given their copy tomorrow Dance Thursday night 6:30 to 8:00 (Admission $5) Hunger awareness week - please bring a donation of a non-perishable food item   6D & 6O French Please find a fall photo and bring it to class by Friday Please look through magazines, catalogues, flyers, family photos or the internet to find a fall themed photo. If you do not have a printer, don't worry I will print them for you. Please note if this is the case I will not accept "it's on Google Images", you must write the full website down for me. 7M French Some students have not been using their time wisely in class and we are currently working on our first writing piece. Students will be given some extra time next class but will have to complete “Mon Monstre” by Friday. 8W & 8D   “Les Automobiles” good copy will be due Friday, please take advantage of your time.       

Posted: September 17, 2015

6D Meet the Teacher Tonight!If you forgot your pictures you can bring them tomorrow.Thank you to all 6D for paying your student fees! Dance date is set for next Thursday. Please remember to follow school guidlines when dressing for school. Please no pop of any kind at school. Remember to enjoy this weather!!!!!!!!!! It won't last long :(


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Added: Wed, Oct 19 2016


Added: Wed, Oct 19 2016