Ms. Duffy - Archived 08/20

4/5 FI

Posted: November 14, 2019

Les Devoirs 

1. read French book

2. study list 8. - test will be next Wednesday. 

3. grade 5 Tupperware 

4. report cards go home Tuesday 

5. no school Friday 

6. Parent teacher 5-7:30 Thursday and 9 - 11:30 Friday 

Due Date: 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Posted: November 14, 2019

This week we began a new science unit on Simple Machines and Friction. Today We build ramps and measured the distance a dinky car would travel. The winner was 175 cm. 

Posted: November 14, 2019

Test Wednesday, November 8th 

Posted: November 14, 2019

No School Friday or Monday. Enjoy the long weekend! 

Posted: November 7, 2019

Students were hard at work on thier Biography projects this week. They have spent time in the lab doing research and are making posters about " Une Grande Personaliter Canadienne". They have been really invested in this project and picked up some computer skills along the way. I am very proud...

Posted: November 5, 2019

1) read (same book as last week) 

2) study spelling list 7 (test Thursday)

3) sign spelling (two weeks)

4) study multiplication facts for x 6

5) wear red or black Tuesday - Remembrance Ceremony @ 10:00 am 

6) no school Friday or Monday 


List 7 

à peu près







Posted: November 3, 2019

Posted: October 31, 2019


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Added: Tue, Jun 9 2020


Added: Sun, Mar 8 2020