Mrs. O'Keefe - Archived 09/19

Mrs. O'Keefe

Posted: December 8, 2017

Review assignment of slope and writing equations (This was to be handed in by hte end of class)

Questions #1to 19, 24, 27, 28 (Attached below)

Test on Chapter 6 on Wednesday, Dec. 13


Posted: December 7, 2017

Lesson was a review on how to add and subtract Mixed fractions. Students then were given enough time in class to finish the following questions from a worksheet. (Some did not finished , so it is expected to be completed tonight)

Class/homework:  Worksheet Mixed Fractions Add/Subtract   #1(a,b,c,d,e,f), 2(a,b,c), 3(a,c), 4(a,b), 5b

                              Review of grade 7 Quiz on Tuesday, Dec. 13

Posted: December 7, 2017

Day 2 of practicing using point-slope equations when given two points, given a graph, or given a point and a slope.

Class/homework:  Worksheet  #1,2,4,6

Posted: December 6, 2017

Review of % of a number from grade 7 and more with comparing and adding fractions.

Homework:  Finish the worksheet from class  All of the front and #1to 6 on back

                   (Attacted below )

Posted: December 6, 2017

Notes & example of Point-slope form and how to rearrange to get slope intercept form.

Class/homework:  Page 372-375  #4ad,5ac,9ai, 11a

                           Test on Chapter 6 Wednesday, Dec. 13

Posted: December 5, 2017

Review of adding and subtraction of fractions

Class/Homework:  WS 151 Add/Subtract  # 1 to 6 all questions

TUESDAY, Dec12. - QUIZ on Grade 7 review (Add/subtract fractions, ordering fractions, comparing fractions, % of a number)

Posted: December 5, 2017

Quiz day then students had the rest of the class to complete the following. If they did not get it done in class then they are expected to finish it for homework.

Class/homework:  Page 362-364  #9,13,15,16,17,18

Posted: December 4, 2017

Review of Mixed & Improper Fraction fractions (How to convert)

Class/Homework:  Worksheet(Attached Below):  All Questions

Posted: December 4, 2017

Review of parlaell and perpendicular slopes.  Slope-intercept form and how to draw graphs using this form.

Class/Homework:  pg 362-364  #4abc, 4ace, 6ac, 7abcd,8, 11

                            Quiz tomorrow (You were given the outline on friday)

Posted: December 1, 2017

Comparing Fractions day 1.5 (Review of Grade 7 concepts: common numerators, common denominators, bench marks, one in the difference and a combination of strategies)

Class/Homework:  Worksheet Comparing Fractions

                          Front  #2cd, 3bcd   BACK  1ad, 3aced, 5 , 6b, 8ac, 9
