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Posted: October 28, 2010

HAPPY HALLOWEEN !! Joyeux halloween!! BE SAFE and Enjoy the festivities!!! Check out this mysterious poem...   spooky poem
Dress for climbing!!! Bring a water bottle and check out the link.http://www.district16.nbed.nb.ca/gallery/d16-high-elements-challenge-course
Challenge courseCHALLENGE COURSE here we come! CHECK OUT THE LINK for more details and pictures!!!http://www.district16.nbed.nb.ca/gallery/d16-high-elements-challenge-course  As you all know, I am super pumped to go on the challenge course!!! On Wed November 3rd, the two grade 7 classe's will be going on a field trip to the MVHS challenge course.Please be sure to wear and/or bring appropriate gear.Jacket, comfortable pants to climb, t-shirt etc...sneakers water bottlepack a lunch/snacksWe will be leaving at 9:15 and returning around 1:00I know that we will all be on our best behaviours and that this experience will be a memorable one!For more details please contact Miss.Hart or Mrs. Demmings  

Posted: October 28, 2010

halloween dance HALLOWEEN DANCE POEM Created by Miss.Hart Middle School and High School are in for a Scare, It's the Halloween dance at 8, so be there!Don't forget to dress up tonight, Dance, be safe, you're in for a fright!

Posted: October 28, 2010

      After discussing  21st century learning and how we can make it work in French class,  I have a good feeling that today's discussion clarified some uncertainties and sparked some great ideas. Don't forget to check out the unit summaries that I handed out (mini projet and projet final) to make sure that you are up to date on what is happening in class. If you feel more enlightened after today, Great! Keep me posted on ways to improve and don't forget to shout out if you are feeling lost at anytime.

Posted: October 19, 2010

Attitude: A little thing that makes a big difference

Posted: October 19, 2010

united streaming

Cool clips related to science etc...

Posted: October 19, 2010

brain pop

Free trial for brainpop... Great for projects !

Posted: October 19, 2010

Parent teacher meetings! No School

Posted: October 19, 2010

Parent teacher evening!  


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Added: Wed, Nov 10 2010