Mr. Flett - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: December 9, 2010

Just a reminder that the Christmas dinner for the Elementary students is on Tuesday, Dec14th. The Christmas concert is on Tuesday Dec the 21st, at 9AM, with the snow date being Wednesday, Dec the 22nd. All are welcome to attend.

Posted: November 4, 2010

It'Spring ahead, and Fall back. This is the weekend to change time, also a good time to replace your smoke dectector batteries. Next week, Nov. 11th is Remembrance Day.

Posted: October 22, 2010

Just a friendly reminder that this coming Wednesday, October 27th is a day off of school for all students as the teachers will be in meetings on this day.  Enjoy your hump day holiday! As well, I would like to remind parents that we are nearing on the month of November and it is very important that you dress your child in warm clothing appropriately for the weather!  The students are going outside at their noon hour recess and it is a must to have hats, mittens and warm jackets for this time of the year.  Don't forget that this coming Friday, October 29th will be our holiday celebration for Halloween.  The students may bring their costumes and they may also share treats if they wish.  The kindergarten students perform a costume parade through the elementary.  I look forward to spending another fun-filled week with my class!

Posted: October 4, 2010

It's very close to Thanksgiving, it's a short week for the children as they have no school on Thursday and Friday, then on Monday. Just a reminder that homework is completed during the week and returned the last school day of the week. Have a great weekend and enjoy the fall colors. If you have friends with children entering Kindergarten next year, remind them that registration should be done now.

Posted: September 23, 2010

Kindergarten students may by their snacks and lunches if parents wish. Library day is on Tuesdays, students should keep their Library book in the bag provided by the Librarian. This will help protect the books. They may keep the book home for one week, returning it on Tuesday. Thanks to the parents who participated in the Terry Fox Run at school. We had a great turn out. Have a great week

Posted: September 17, 2010

Just a reminder that the Terry Fox run is on Mondady, Sept 20th at 10:30am. Students took pledge sheets in the form of a sneaker home on Thursday. Homework is sent home on Mondays and should be returned on Fridays.

Posted: September 2, 2010

I want to say a big WELCOME to those new students in KIndergarten this year. I know you are going to have lots of fun. Remember that your picture day is on Friday Sept. 10th.