Ms. Mahoney - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: November 15, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.15/11  Research 8 t0 10 facts on Holland( Netherlands)  Read and record

Posted: November 15, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.15/11  Read ch.4 "kidnapped In The Yukon" and record  Do response on Ch.4 including summary, I think..., I feel... I predict

Posted: November 15, 2011

Posted: November 15, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.15/11  Test on Chapter 3  

Posted: November 14, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.14/11  Illustrate  title page for The Cay  Read and Record

Posted: November 14, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.14/11  Read Chapter 4 and 5 "Kidnapped In The Yukon"  Vocabulary for Chapter 3 will be checked Tuesday.  Think about Summaries for Chapter 2 and 3.

Posted: November 14, 2011

 Homework: Nov.14/11  Test on Chapter 3 Wednesday, Nov.16/11  Some newspaper articles not in.  P.53 Assignment to be checked Tuesday.  If time permits, group projects will be presented.

Posted: November 13, 2011

 Important Notice to Parents:  Extra help in Language Arts(Tutoring) is available on Tuesday 3:10 to 4:15 PM

Posted: November 13, 2011

 Homework: Nov.10/11  Study for Chapter 3 test which will be on Tuesday, Nov.15/11  Group project(p.46) due Nov.14/11  Group Assignment due Nov.14/11  Homework: Nov.14/11  Study for Chapter 3 test which will be on tuesday, Nov.15/11  Newspaper Article will be handed out.  Due date: Nov.21/11 If a student is absent on a Monday when these articles are given out, it is the responsibility of the student to come to me and get his/her assignment.  This is a standing weekly assignment.

Posted: November 9, 2011

 Homework: Nov. 9, 2011.  Do vocabulary Chapter 2 "Kidnapped In The Yukon"  Illustrate Title page and Chapter 1 "Kidnapped In The Yukon"  Do 2 summaries of newspaper articles "Canada Remembers"

Posted: November 9, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.9, 2011  Do 3 vocabulary words for Chapter1 "The Cay"  Do reading log for Chapter 2 "The Cay" Reading log includes entry, summary( 1 paragraph), response( 1 paragraph telling thoughts on the story and why and feelings about some part of the story and why) and prediction and why( 1 paragraph)  Read and record.  This homework is for Nov.9 & 10 as we will miss class due to the Remembrance Day ceremony.

Posted: November 9, 2011

 Homework: Nov.9, 2011  Answer 4 questions on Regional Identity, p.55  Continue to work on Group project(Questions 3,4 & 5,p.46) and group assignment( Question 1, Apply and Extend, p. 53)

Posted: November 8, 2011

 Homework:  Nov. 8, 2011. Read and record Chapter 2 "The Cay"  

Posted: November 8, 2011

 Homework:  Nov.9, 2011. Illustrate title page and Chapter 1 page for "Kidnapped In The Yukon" Read and record from newspaper. Correct meanings if necessary,

Posted: November 8, 2011

 Homework:  Nov. 9, 2011. Work on group assignment on Canada's Political Regions - each group has a political region and must research the following Key industries, natural resources, human resources, other factors and the number of seats in the House of Commons. Apply and Extend, Question 1, p. 55.Continue to work on Group Project from last week. Newspaper Article Annalysis due Nov. 14. Study for test on Chapter 3.
