Ms L'Huillier - Archive - 9/2012 Notes

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Posted: October 17, 2011

7W - Your "important invention" assignments are due Thursday Oct 20th.                        - This is an ORAL presentation (nothing handed in & shouldnt be reading to the class)                                    - Who invented it, When, and its main purpose (introduction)                                    - Why it is such an important invention, how would the world be different without it. 8D - On Wednesday Oct 19th, you will be presenting your research on the clothing of your chosen          decade.                         - This is an ORAL presentation(nothing handed in & shouldn't be reading to the class)                         - You may want to show the class photos/examples of the clothing you are talking about, but this                            is not necessary.                         - Chose a decade between the 1930s and 2000.                         - Discuss with the class what people wore, in your chosen decade, in different                             situations (ie: to work, for sports, to church, school, ect.) (You cannot just use your personal interview for information, you must research a particular decade!     You've known about this since last Thursday so No Excuses!)    8L - Choose a decade between the years 1930 & 2000 to start researching for the types of clothing they wore in different situations (ie: work, sports, school, church etc.)  We will be working on this in class tomorrow.

Posted: October 11, 2011

7D - do not forget to bring your research information for your big invention assignment. 7W - Start researching your big invention (who/when it was invented, & why) 8L/8D - Finish translating your interviews if not already done.  Good copies need to be done in tomorrows class!

Posted: October 6, 2011

You must have your research done on your big/major invention for tomorrow's class.  You have had several days notice and flex periods to work on it.  What you need to know: who invented it, when it was invented and what it is used for?  We will be working on the other part of the assignment in class so be prepared!!

Posted: October 4, 2011

7D - Research your big invention. (Who, when, why, and why you chose it/why is it a BIG invention) 7W - Reading on the telephone (just read it the best you can we will discuss tomorrow) 8L/8D - Interviews must be completed for class tomorrow!  We will be finishing the translation and final copies             tomorrow!

Posted: October 2, 2011

Most of you have already drafted your questions (3-4) for an interview of someone you know who lived through the 20th century.  The purpose of this interview is to find out what kind of clothing they wore last century, through many different years, for different occasions.  We will be translating the interview into French this week in class.  Have your interviews done by Wednesdays class!

Posted: September 29, 2011

Today we talked about the next assignment.  An interview with someone who lived during the 20th century or earlier, to find out about what types of clothing they wore,in what situations etc.  The Interview should be completed at homeno later than Monday night, so that the responses can be translated to French Tuesday in class.  This is all part of our unit on 'the changes in the 20th century!'

Posted: September 27, 2011

Hey guys and gals,    This is just a reminder that we are doing the Terry Fox walk tomorrow morning at 9:45.  We are asking each student if they could bring a dollar for cancer research!  Wear comfy shoes!Parents are invited to join us for the walk (3km) as well!    See you tomorrow!

Posted: September 21, 2011

7W - You will be presenting your small invention tomorrow! 8L/8D - Your old car presentations are due Monday Sept 26/11Everyone - Dance tomorrow night! $5 for Free the Children.                - Terry Fox Walk is Wednesday Sept 28th, do your part by bringing a $1 to support Cancer Research!                 Parents are welcome to walk with us!

Posted: September 20, 2011

   These assignments were thoroughly explained in class and class time was given to complete/work on them as well.     Les devoirs pour 7W:                    Recherche vos inventions:                        -Qui la inventer?                         -Quand est-ce que c'était inventer?                         -A quoi ça sert?     Les devoirs pour 8L & 8D: (Will be able to work on projects in the computer lab tomorrow, but research is to be done!)         Fait la recherche sur un automobile 1910 - 1925 (8L)  &  1960-1980 (8D)                           - La vitesse, l'efficacité, la puissance du moteur et les qualités esthétiques.                 - Apporter qu'est-ce que tu as besoin pour l'affiche aussi.

Posted: September 14, 2011

Bon soir mes amis,           Les devoirs pour 7D:                    Recherche vos inventions:                        -Qui la inventer?                         -Quand est-ce que c'était inventer?                                                  -A quoi ça sert?                                       Les devoirs pour 8D:                                      Commence la recherche sur un automobile 1960-1980                                                       - La vitesse, l'efficacité, la puissance du moteur et les qualités esthétiques.                                                       - Apporter qu'est-ce que tu as besoin pour l'affiche aussi    

Posted: September 13, 2011

Don't forget to bring in your school picture orders and money if you would like to have them this year!  Week 2 - and we are almost halfway through...with several long weekends in the coming weeks/months!   Start thinking about French projects!   

Posted: September 6, 2011

I would love to have all the green permission slips back tomorrow as well as the student information profiles updated, signed and returned to me!   Thanks!I hope you all had a great first day back to school!

Posted: September 1, 2011

  J'ai hâte de vous tous rencontré mardi! J'espère que vous avez passé une très merveilleux été et que vous êtes prêt pour l'ecole!
