
Posted: February 23, 2025

Upcoming Dates: 

February 26thSkating in Renous (last time)

February 26th – Pink Shirt Day



Literacy:Read three nights this week. Return books Friday.

Math:Addition review worksheet. Due Friday.



Dress Up Days

February 24th – 28th


Monday – Jersey Day

Tuesday – Career Day (chef, truck driver, police officer etc.)

Wednesday – Pink Shirt Day

Thursday – Crazy Hair or Hat Day

Friday - PJ Day



When: Every Wednesday in February (this is the last time)

Where: Tom Donovan Arena (Renous rink)

Time: leaving the school at 12:30pm, returning at 1:45pm. 

Parents are welcomed to join us. Students must have skates and a hockey/skating helmet to be on the ice. Boots are not allowed on the ice.


Outdoor Time: 

Please be sure to send students to school with everything they need for outside (hats, mittens, snow pants and jackets). Students go out three times a day. All students are encouraged to go outside and will only be permitted to stay inside with special circumstances (ex: illness) and a note/reason from home.  



In literacy this week we are reviewing heart words. These are words that do not follow regular sound/spelling rules.  

Extra Practice:

from         could

look          there

what         who

your          into

said          does

they         where


We began looking at equal and unequal (equality and inequality) last week. We discussed that the number in front of the equal signs should be the same (equal) as after.

 Ex: 2 + 3 = 0 + 5

      2 + 3 = 5 and 0 + 5 = 5        

      5 = 5



Ms. Duffy