Ms. C. Trevors Notes

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Posted: November 4, 2021

Hi guys, hope everyone was successful in getting on the French sites.  You can continue working on these today.  Let me know if you are having problems getting onto the sites.  Can somebody, other than Ayden, let me know if the sites are helpful and enjoyable to use?  Have fun and have a great day!!

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good morning all, I thought it would be nice to work on a unit for Remembrance Day.  For today, I would like for you to think of a proper title for a title page.  You may want to seach the internet for ideas.  Then, I would like for you to draw a picture for Remembrance Day.  Once you have completed a draft, you can start the good copy, using plain white paper.  Pay special attention to the spelling of your title.  Have fun, and have a great day!!

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good morning everyone, I was browsing CommonLit and found an interesting reading comprehension.  I want you to carefully read the article and put effort into answering the questions, as I will be collecting them upon our return to school.  Since it is quick write day I will leave you with the following conflict:  War is the ultimate conflict, but we all face many small conflicts every day when people get on our nerves.  We can fight every time we're annoyed or we can find other ways to solve our daily conflicts.  Can you name a recent conflict you've had where you chose not to argue or fight?  What did you do instead?

Posted: November 4, 2021

Hi guys, I browsed CommonLit for this reading comprehension.  Be sure to take your time and carefully read the article and the questions, as I will be collecting them upon our return to school.  Today is quick write day, so here is today's scenario:  After he takes your lunch money every day,  a bigger kid warns that he'll hurt you if you tell anyone.  Since you don't believe in fighting to solve problems, what other actions might you take?  

Good luck and have a great day!!

PDF icon the_market_square_dog_-_common_lit.pdf655.77 KB

Posted: November 3, 2021

I am currently working on a unit for Remembrance Day.  As soon as the work is completed I will post it to this page.  I will leave the work at the school as well, for those of you who are experiencing technical difficulties.

Posted: November 3, 2021

Continue working on your reading comprehension work.  I am currently at the school working on another packet of work.  I will send it out whenever I have it completed.  Have a great day, and give a shout out at, to let me know if you need anything, and that you are participating in home learning.

Posted: November 3, 2021

You are to continue with your comprehension sheets.  I am currently at that school putting together another packet of work.  I will post it as soon as it's completed.  Have a good day, and give me a shout out that you are participating in home learning.

Posted: November 3, 2021

Here is another French site, this one will allow you to read books.  The site is Boukili, and the class code is 72rygt.  Have fun!!!

Posted: November 2, 2021

Good morning all, just thought I would let you know that I have successfully signed each of you up to Duolingo.  When you go on to the site they will ask for a code, use VCXXJB.  Each student will start at the beginner level, but the work gradually gets more difficult.  The site will send me emails to let me know how you are progressing.  Have fun!!

Posted: November 2, 2021

Hey guys, hope all is well.  You should be working on your second comprehension assignment today.  Make sure you are working away, as I will be collecting them when we return to school.  Give me a shout out at, as we are required to take attendance, and only if you are working on your assignments can we mark you present.  I look forward to hearing from you, have a great day!!

Posted: November 2, 2021

Hope all is well and you are working on your comprehension assignments.  Send me an email at: to let me know how you are doing.  We are required to take attendance, in order to be present you must be working on the packets we sent home.  You should be working on your second activity today.  Give a shout out so I can mark you present.  Also, let me know if you have your notes home for Social Studies.

In the case that you misplaced your duotang, here are your reading comprehensions for home-learning.


Posted: October 29, 2021

Students are advised that today, Friday, October 29, 2021, is the only day students will be permitted to pick up any books or items they will need.
