Mrs. K Sturgeon Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: September 14, 2021

Students can register individually for a general information session. Students are also welcome to learn more about Loyalist College by joining us for a virtual campus tour, or they can book an advising appointment to chat about their options.

Free Applications

Any high school student who attends a UNB event (in person or virtually) will be eligible to have the $65 application fee waived!

This also applies when a student books a time to meet one-on-one (virtual one-on-one meeting booking link)


Virtual Events

We are offering several virtual events this fall, taking place every Tuesday and Wednesday evening start September 21st , 2021.

Students can RSVP here: UNB Future Student Events

Posted: September 14, 2021

The Loran Award is valued at up to $100,000 over four years.  Applicants must have an 85% average, demonstrate leadership and community involvement, and be planning to attend one of the approved universities.  Application deadline October 13, 2021 before 8pm ET.  For more info or to apply please visit

