les devoirs (homework, February 6th- February 9th

Posted: February 6, 2018

Due Date: 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Les devoirs (homework) February 6th- February 9th

·         Continue doing the 3 sheets of the alphabet/numbers to 20.

·         Read lyrics to “Gabrille Grenouille”(yellow duo-tang).

o    Gesture: move your hand from left to right to imitate the action of sliding.

o    Listen to the song “Gabrielle Grenouille” 

·         Continue listening to French songs.


To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide: 



·         Comment vas-tu .. (au magasin? au parc?) (How do you go to the store, the park etc.?)

o   Je vais au magasin en voiture. (I drive to the store.)


·         Quel est ton endroit préféré à Blackville? (What is your favourite place in Blackville?)

o   Mon endroit préféré est le… (My favourite place is…)


·         Quel endroit aimes-tu visiter avec tes amis? (What place do you like to visit with your friends?)

o   J’aime visiter …


·         Counting backwards from 50-0.

·         Categorizing items into two groups to solve problems: which group has more (plus)? which group has fewer (moins)? Or are the groups equal (égal)?  

·         Addition/subtraction (up to 12)