
Posted: October 8, 2021

BHS would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. 

Posted: October 1, 2021

BHS will be having a School Spirit Week from October 4 to October 8.  The dress-up days are as follows:

Monday-Blue and Gold Day

Tuesday- Twin Day

Wednesday- Dress Your Best

Thursday-Plaid Day

Friday- PJ Day

BHS let's show our School Spirit!

Posted: September 29, 2021

Order Your 2022 Yearbook Today!
Now is the time to order and reserve your copy of the 2022 Blackville School Yearbook.
Order now for $60.00 and save $10.00 off the regular price of $70.00. If you order personalization for just $5.00 you can get up to FOUR icons for FREE ($20.00 value). 
But don't delay as this offer is only available until October 22.
All orders must be paid in full.
You can order online and order forms are available in the school office and homerooms. 
To order online click here: 

Posted: September 29, 2021

Please see the link below to get access to the Blackville School Activity Calendar that will inform you of when and where activities are going on at BHS!

Posted: September 27, 2021

Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Wear orange and tag your photos, #ASDNOrangeShirtDay

Posted: September 21, 2021

Students at Blackville School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 29,2021.  We are asking you visit the following link and donate to our walk.

Posted: September 13, 2021

Please see the attached letter regarding wearing masks in school.

Posted: September 1, 2021

Back to School 2021-2022  

Welcome back to a new school year and a special welcome to our newest Eagles and their families. We can’t wait to see all of our students soon. Below you will find important information regarding the start of school.  

Posted: August 30, 2021

All information for the start of the 2021-2022 school year will be posted soon.

Posted: June 29, 2021

See the links below for the School Supply Lists for 2021-2022.

For High School students binders, paper, pens and pencils to start and individual teachers will outline what is needed in the fall. 

Have a great summer!


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