Posted: September 1, 2021
Back to School 2021-2022
Welcome back to a new school year and a special welcome to our newest Eagles and their families. We can’t wait to see all of our students soon. Below you will find important information regarding the start of school.
Staggered Entry for September 2021
We will have staggered entry for all students starting September 7th, 2021.
K-5 Students Grades
Please send a note with your child to confirm bussing arrangements for after school and provide a current email address and all current phone numbers.
Parents please also note that to access your child’s bussing information you MUST create a profile on bus planner by doing the following:
· Go to the ASD-N Website
· Click the Bus Planner icon on the right side of the page
· Click on the Parent Portal icon. You will need to create an account as directed, then add the student’s information (you will need the student’s NBEN number from their Report Card), birthdate and home address. If you do not have internet access or have difficulty obtaining the information, please call the ASD-N District Office Transportation Dept at 1-800-661-6667 or 778-6075.
Staggered Entry Kindergarten to Grade 12
Grade | Tuesday, Sept 7 | Wednesday, Sept 8 | Thursday, Sept 9 |
K/1 | Kindergarten | Grade 1 | ALL |
Grade 1 | A to L | M to Z | ALL |
Grade 2 | A to G | H to Z | ALL |
Grade 3 Hallihan (French) | A to M | N to Z | ALL |
Grade 3 | A to H | I to Z | ALL |
Grade 4/5 Duffy (French) | A to H | I to Z | ALL |
Grade 4 | A to K | L to Z | All |
Grade 5 | A to K | M to Z | ALL |
Grade 6 | A to J | K to Z | ALL |
Grade 6/7 French | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | ALL |
Grade 7 | A to H | I to Z | ALL |
Grade 8 | A to J | K to Z | ALL |
Grade 9 | A to L | M to Z | ALL |
Grade 10 | A to J | M to Z | ALL |
Grade 11 | A to H | I to Z | ALL |
Grade 12 | A to H | I to Z | ALL |
School Access: Parents are not permitted to enter the school except by appointment. Please phone 843-2900 to make an appointment with your child’s teacher, if necessary. Masks are mandatory for all visitors entering the building.
Student Arrival at School
Bus students will enter through front entrance.
Student Parent Drop-off in main parking area as designated with signage.
School doors will open at 7:50. No students will be permitted inside until that time as there is no supervision. Please remain in your vehicle when dropping your child(ren) off, whenever possible.
All students, K-12, must wear a mask while travelling on the bus, and to enter the school and travel through common areas. Masks may be removed once students are in their classroom.
All students need water bottles. The water fountains have their ‘mouth piece’ disengaged and students can only fill bottles.
If your child exhibits two or more symptoms of Covid- 19, they will be required to put on a mask, isolated in our medical room and you will be contacted to pick them up within an hour of the phone call. You will come to the main entrance and ring the bell. Your child will be brought to you at that front door. It is important that you follow through on phoning 811 for further instruction. Public Health will ascertain whether your child needs to be tested.
Further information about the return to school is available in the Healthy and Safe Schools document which was released by the province last week and can be found on our school and district websites. We are looking forward to a great year with all of our Blackville Eagles students! See you soon!
Grade Kindergarten to Grade 2 – Dismissal time is 2:00 pm
Grade 3 to 5 – Dismissal time is 3:00 Pm
Grade 6 to 8 – Dismissal time is 2:00 pm
Grade 9 to 12 – Dismissal time is 3:00 pm
Early Locker/Student Fees Registration Day
Thursday, September 2: 8:30 am to 12:00 ONLY, if you cannot make it during these times, you must wait and pay your homeroom teacher on your start date. Only 2 people will be allowed in the office at a time. Masks must be worn, and social distancing must be maintained. Classrooms will not be accessible during these times. If you wish to bring your child’s belongings, they will be kept in the office and delivered to their classrooms for you.
Kindergarten to grade 2--8:30 to 9:30 am
Grades 3 to 5—9:30 to 10:30 am
Grades 6, 7 & 8—10:30 to 11:15
Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12—11:15 am to 12:00
Student Fees: K to 2 $20
3 to 5--$25
6 to 8--$30
9 to 12--$35
Family Rate $60
Picture Day
Thursday, September 9
Cafeteria will not be open the first week of school, students must bring their lunch and snacks with them for this week. Cafeteria will open on September 13th.
Sign-Out Students
Signing out of students is permitted by parent/guardian Only and must be done in-person. Phone Calls will NOT be accepted. In the entryway of the school, there is a sign out book set up for parents/guardians to sign out their child. Please use the buzzer to call in, and your child will be sent out to you. Thank you for your co-operation.