
Posted: September 28, 2010

Wednesday, September 29th, Blackville Eagles are hosting the elementary cross country run for the district.  Please come out and cheer on our Eagles as they race through the one kilometer trail in fight for first place.Congratulations to the Blackville Boys for winning "Top School" in the district from the cross country race in Nelson.  Keep up the great work boys!Hope to see you at the race!  GO EAGLES GO!!!

Posted: September 28, 2010

Blackville School is very pleased to announce that they raised $542.60 for the Terry Fox Foundation, which will help support cancer research in Canada.   We would like to extend a very special thank you to all the students and families of this great school for their kindness and generosity, we could not have done it with out you!  As well, we would like to thank Mr. Russell for his initiative and efforts to get this program up and running at our school.  We were very excited to have an old friend join us on this special day!  Mr. Muck came over to lead the school in their walk of hope.  Mrs.

Posted: September 16, 2010

Just a friendly reminder that if you are interested in ordering your child's school pictures that were taken on September 10th, the money is due into their homeroom teacher on Friday September 17th.  If you are interested in having your child's school picture retaken, we will inform you of the retake date as soon as one is arranged.

Posted: September 16, 2010

On Monday September 20th Blackville School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run Fundraiser.  There will be a notice sent home to parents today outlining the event details.  The students of Blackville are excited to participate for such a great cause and catch the spirit to never give up, just like Terry Fox did.  Terry is a legend to Canadians, and the entire education community at Blackville school is proud to be part of his incredible venture that continues still today!

Posted: September 10, 2010

Grade 3 , 4 and 5 Elementary Cross Country Schedule     Meet #1 - Nelson School Wednesday, September 15th – Start time 4:00 PM  Location: Nelson - At the school- please park in front of the school ( change from last year)    Meet #2 – St.  Andrew's Elemantary  Wednesday, September 22 – Start time 4:00 PM  Location: England's Hollow ( East of St. Andrew's Elementary School)    Meet #3 – Blackville School  Wednesday, September 29 – Start time 4:00 PM  Location: Blackville    Meet #4 – Croft School  Wednesday, October 6th – Start time 4:00 PM  Location: Croft School   

Posted: September 7, 2010

leadersThe Grade 9 students along with 8 Leaders took part in various activities to help with the transition to High School. Way to go! Great Job!

Posted: August 27, 2010

 *Parents of kindergarten students were sent a letter in late June indicating what day their Kindergarten child would start school, as we do staggered entry with our Kindergarten classes.     If your kindergarten child is scheduled to come to school on Tuesday for the first time, the next day for your child will be Thursday.  If your child comes on Wednesday for the first day, they will return on Thursday.  All kindergarten students will be here on Thursday!

Posted: July 30, 2010

With the change of seasons and the passing of years always comes change.  The Blackville School staff would like to wish all the best to the teachers that are moving on to bigger and better things with the closing of this past school year.    As mentioned before Mr. Muck is strolling into his retirement years and we wish him many years of happiness, even though we know we will still see him roaming the halls on a daily basis.  Enjoy your well deserved rest Mr. Muck!  

Posted: July 30, 2010

As August quickly approaches, the retail stores are lining their shelves with the obvious signal that the end of summer is supplies!!  Please do not fret if you lost the list of school supplies that your child was given in June.  Really, who is that organized?  You will notice that Blackville School has their list for different classes right in the school supply area at the different retail stores.  You might also check the "Teacher Pages" of the different teachers on this website, as some teachers will post this in the document area of their individual page.

Posted: June 17, 2010

On June 11th Blackville School had a very special guest return for an assembly for an official goodbye.  Mr.


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