Posted: June 3, 2013
June 3rd, 2013
Dear parents of 5M,
We have a few important dates coming up in Grade 5 that I wanted to explain.
June 12th – Pen Pal Outing
We will be travelling to MVHS with our pen pals from NSEE. Students will spend the day paired up with their pen pal, both swimming and climbing. The climbing will be done outside, weather permitting. As this was part of our Intensive French program, students will be expected to speak in French as much as they can. On this day, we will be leaving the school at 8:40am, and returning by 3pm. Students will need to have an appropriate bathing suit, towel, their morning snack and their lunch that does not require heating. Also, they will need good sneakers for climbing, plenty of drinks, sunscreen and fly repellent. There is no cost for this activity.
June 18th- Elementary Awards Ceremony
Our Awards ceremony will be held in the gym. I am told it will start at 9am. There will be a talk mail to confirm this before this date.
June 19th- Track and Field Day
Students will be travelling to J.M.H. to participate in the annual Track and Field Day hosted by our school district. Students will need to dress for the weather. They will need to bring their snacks, lunch and drinks for the day. Students need to wear sunscreen. Please apply this before they come to school, and send some more to reapply throughout the day. Students may want to bring a blanket or towel to lay on the ground and fly repellent, but these are not necessary.
*Because of costs, our Grade 5’s are not going to Camp Sheldrake this year. Instead, we are planning our own “fun” day here at the school for students. It will include archery, taught by Mr. Mason, outdoor activities and we will be ordering in our lunch. As the date approaches I will send another note home with the details.
Jennifer Hallihan