Posted: October 11, 2022
Les Devoirs
1) Read
2) Study List 2
3) Gym clothes
4) Sign agenda
5) Sign quizzes
Homework Agenda: Please take a pick at your child’s agenda and clean out any old notices or forms. Some students still have forms from the beginning of the school year in their agenda.
After school pick up: Please send a note to school or contact the office if your child is not going home on their regular bus.
Halloween T-shirts: T-shirts are for sale for Halloween Spirit Week. Youth sizes are $10 and adult sizes are $15 (adult sizes are limited).
Mots Fréquents: List 2 video
Students are asked to practice studying List 2 in the back of their homework agenda. These are weekly spelling words, and we will be having a quiz Friday. Click the underlines List 2 videoto listen to the words in French.
Comment (how)
parce que (because)
certain (cetain)
personne (person)
derrière (behind)
très (very)
Reading: Please read your guided reading book at least 3 nights this week.
Train musical
Les chèvres dans le champ de navets
Math: This week in math students will be doing a review of adding and subtracting three-digit numbers with and without regrouping. This is a review from grade 3.