Je Lis

Posted: November 3, 2021

Bonjour !

Je Lis: Some students are having trouble logging on to Je Lis. I reset all accounts that could not access the website and logged in as each student. I was able to get in, so hopefully this will fix the problem at home, sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you are still having issues. I have re-attached all usernames and the password is still red1. If you click on your name, it will bring you to the site.

Website issues: If there are times that you cannot see my post for the day on the Blackville School website, please refresh you’re your browser/page. Sometimes the memory of your computer will bring you back to the last time you were on the page. If that doesn’t work, please click my name (Ms. Duffy) on the left-hand side. Hopefully this will bring you to my post. I will post at least once a day, for the duration of home learning. It is usually up before 8:30am.

Thanks again for your continued support, I appreciate all the efforts being made at home this week! 4/5 D is a wonderful group!

Mlle Duffy

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