Home Learning Day 2: le 2 nov

Posted: November 2, 2021

See attached “Weekly Agenda for links and Videos”

French Literacy


Reading Comprehension: You will find the reading comprehension activity “Meilleures amies” in your home learning packet. Click the link to listen to the video. I will read the paragraph and the questions for students. Students should then answer questions 1-4. Remember we are looking for complete sentences “les phrases completes”.


Practice Mots Fréquents List 5:






à propos




Reading: Please read in French every day. Those without internet, please read your guided reading book from last week.

See list below for this and last weeks guided reading titles. Those with chapter books, will work on chapters 3-6 this week.

If you are looking for new material to read, try Je Lis. It is an online website with many different titles to read.  I will attach a document with students’ usernames. The password is red1.  Please only log in to your own account.

Last week’s books: 

Un feu sur la colline de Joujouville

Le Sauterelle et le foumis

Mon animal a moi

Des daulphins de rêve

Nicolas ici et la

Le colliers de fleurs

Incendie chez les koalas

Reviens pipeau

New books :

Une cabane sous le gros arbre

La vieille photo

Le défilé de camions

Le collier de fleurs ch 3 et ch 4-5

En kayak sur le lac

Bébé ours grimpe aux arbre

Des dauphin de rêve ch 3-4  et ch 5

Nicolas ici et la ch 3-4 et ch 5



Study Multiplication Facts for x 6.

Video 1     

Video 2

Splash Learn: Please spend 30 minutes on Splash Learn Math. The class code is INQJUY and the password is board8. Please click “From My Teacher” and there will be lessons. Log In info can also be found below in attachments. 

*** Those without internet access can work on any of the math sheets in the home learning packet.

Anyone looking for extra practice may also complete any math page from their home learning pack.


English Literacy

Grade 4 see Ms. Shaddick’s teacher page.

Grade 5 see Ms. Clark’s teacher page.


Social and Emotional

These are just extra activities for those who are interested. It is not a requirement for home learning. They are just fun activities to get you moving and grooving!

Check out Mr. Sturgeon’s teacher page for some Phys Ed ideas and Mr. Hache’s for music.

Parent/student contact:

I have had some parents reach out with concerns about having their children marked absent if they do not respond back to the daily e-mail. Please do not become overwhelmed, I understand that everyone has a different work/home schedule, and this may not be the most ideal way for your household specifically.  I am willing to work with you if you need to make alternative arrangements. Also, please keep in mind that the home learning packets will be returned to school when we resume.  If there is evidence that students have made a reasonable effort to complete the assigned work/items from the packet, this will also count as being present during home learning. I hope this helps. 

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for day 3.


Vous me manquez!

Mlle Duffy