Posted: October 1, 2021
Les Devoirs
Return Library books
Gym Clothes
Two clean face masks
Clean water bottle
Blue and Gold Day Monday!
Return guided reading book.
Spirit Week:
K – 12 will be having a School Spirit Week from October 4-8.
The dress-up days are as follows:
Monday-Blue and Gold Day
Tuesday- Twin Day
Wednesday- Dress Your Best
Thursday-Plaid Day
Friday- PJ Day
BHS let's show our School Spirit!
Face Masks: Please be sure to send an extra clean face masks to school each day. Public health recommends masks be washed after each use. We have also had some discussion at school about finding a mask that is comfortable and fits well. Some students are struggling with their masks because they are too big and won’t stay over their nose and mouth. Students are doing their best to follow the guidelines and I understand it is not easy on our class, but I appreciate their positive attitudes.