Devoirs: le 6 - le 9

Posted: April 5, 2021

Les Devoirs


Study list 22

Math sheet (help video)

Jersey Day Friday - Kraft Hockeyville vote Elsipogtog First Nation

Two clean face masks

Gym Clothes (Tue, Thurs, and Fri)

Water bottle

Return violins


Kraft Hockeyville: Please show your support for Elsipogtog First Nation in this year’s Kraft Hockeyville vote! Voting starts Friday April 9th at 9:00am. It would be amazing to support a local community in the way Renous was supported in 2019. See link below for more information.


Mots Fréquents : Video 












Reading: Reading should be done Tue, Wed and Thurs this week. Recently, some students have stopped doing their nightly reading. Reading at home each night is part of student’s weekly homework and is very important.  


Un vol étrange

La famille cygne



Les graines géantes

Le saute de Charles


Math: We are continuing to work on long division with remainders this week and students will be given a quiz nearing the end of the week. This week, students have a long division homework sheet that will be very similar to the quiz. Some students are still having difficulty with long division because they do not know their multiplication facts. Those who do not know their facts should continue to review them at home.  

Homework Help Video



April 14 – Report cards go home.

April 15 – Parent teacher (by phone in the evening).

April 16 – Parent teacher (by phone in the morning).


There has been an increased number of slushies, slime lickers, push pops, cotton candy and other large sized sweet treats being sent to school. Please avoid sending these items as students are only permitted to eat during snack and lunch (cafeteria) and cannot finish or eat these items throughout the day. These items have started to interfere with student’s ability to concentrate and complete their work. Thank you for your cooperation.


Have a great week!
