Devoirs: Le 12 - 16 avril

Posted: April 11, 2021

Les Devoirs

Read (at least 3 nights this week)

Study list 23

Math sheet

Gym Clothes (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)

Sign Spelling

Sign Math

Two clean face masks

A clean water bottle


Mots Fréquents: Video



en bas









Reading : Please read guided reading book at least 3 nights this week.



Les garçons ne dansent pas (video to follow)

Qui seront les meilleurs ?

Maxime et les oiseaux

Le défilé de camions

Les champions des avions


Math: We will review long division trough word problems this week. We will be working on decided what operation to take (division, multiplication, subtraction, or addition) when looking at word problems. We will also take some time this week to review concepts we have learned over the course of the year before moving on to decimals.


Multiplication facts: students who do not yet have automatic recall of multiplication facts should be studying these at home regularly.


Report Cards: These will be sent home Wednesday April 14th. Attached will be a parent teacher appointment request form. Parent teacher will be Thursday April 15th after school and Friday April 16th in the morning. Parent teacher interviews will be done over the phone due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please return the appointment request form to school Thursday April 15th.