Posted: May 11, 2018
Due Date:
Les devoirs (homework) May 14th- May 18th
· Subtraction activity sheet
· Practice addition/subtraction flashcards
· Review: one more/ one less than a given number, two more/two less than a given number up to 20. (un de plus/deux de moins, deux de moins/ deux de moins) (example: 20 à 21, 22, 19, 18)
· Comptines: Read lyrics to “Nicolas Nounours”
o Gesture: open your mouth wide and say "nnn nnn" (like you were catching a snowflake)
o Song: Nicolas Nounours
· Reading: Students will have two books to read several times throughout the week.
To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide:
The class will be discussing what activities they enjoy doing during the spring.
· Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire au printemps? (What do you like to do in the Spring)
· Au printemps, j’aime…(jouer à la balle). (I like playing ball in the spring.)
Avec qui aimes tu…. (jouer à la balle)? (Who do you like playing ball with?)
· Oùaimes-tu… (jouer à la balle)? (Where do you like playing ball?)
· Que portes-tu pour… (jouer à la balle)? (What do you wear to play ball?)