Posted: February 9, 2018
Due Date:
Les devoirs (homework) February 12th- February 16th
Continue doing the 3 sheets of the alphabet/numbers to 20.
Math- “les doubles” first addition sheet (blue duo-tang)
Review/read the lyrics to yrics to “Gabrille Grenouille” “Benoit Oiseau” and “Allain Singe) (yellow duo-tang).
Listen to the songs: Gabrielle Grenouille, Benoit Oiseau, and Allain Singe
Continue listening to French songs
Pancake Breakfast, February 14th (notice)
- $1 for popcorn
To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide:
Quel est ton endroit préféré à Miramichi? (What is your favourite place in Miramichi?)
Mon endroit préféré est le… (My favourite place is…)
Quel endroit aimes-tu visiter avec tes amis? (What place do you like to visit with your friends?)
J’aime visiter …
Qui est le directeur/la directrice de l’école? (Who is the principal at the school?) (ex. l’enseignant de…, , le chauffeur d’autobus…) ( who teaches…, the bus drivers etc.)
Le directeur/la directrice est… (The principal is…)
Le concierge est… (the janitor is.. )
· Counting backwards from 50-0.
· Addition/subtraction (up to 12)