Les devoirs (homework) April 16th- April 20th

Posted: April 13, 2018

Due Date: 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Les devoirs (homework) April 16th- April 20th

  • Spelling Bee Notice
  •   Math:  Table de 100: Continue practicing counting by 5’s to 100, 10’s to 100, count forward by 1 to 100, backwards to 100-0 and the addition and subtraction activity sheet
  • Comptines: Read lyrics to “Thomas Tigre”

o   Gesture: Place your hand above your ear and say "t, t, t"

o   Song: Thomas Tigre

  • Reading: Students will have one book to read several times throughout the week.


ToTo help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide: 



·          Que manges-tu au souper? (What do you eat for supper?)

·         Je mange… du poulet, du riz, des carottes… au souper. (For supper, I like to eat… chicken, rice, carrots… etc.)

·         Comment restes-tu en bonne santé? (What do you do to live a healthy lifestyle)

o   examples:

o   Je reste en bonne santé quand je mange un bon petit-déjeuner. (I stay healthy by eating a good breakfast)

o   Je reste en bonne santé quand je mange trois repas par jour.(I stay healthy by eating 3 meals a day.)


·     This week during class we will be focusing on comparing objects based on different characteristics such as: the length (la longueur)  hight (hauter) which object is heavier (plus lourd), covers the most area (couvre le plus d’espace), holds the most (contient le plus)?

·         counting to 100 forwards & backwards

·         counting by 5’s and 10’s to 100

·         mental math: addition to up 18

·         Addition/subtraction