Homework (les devoirs) October 9th- October 12th

Posted: October 5, 2018

Due Date: 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Homework: October 9th- 12th

·         Picture retakes are on Tuesday

·         Listen to the song “Lucie Tortue” (video is on page 5)

o   Gesture: with a closed fist, turn your wrist from left to right.

·         Complete 3 number sheets (14-16)

·         If possible, practice counting backwards from 10-0. (I will send a number line in their homework duo-tang)

·         Continue to listen to French songs (if interested)


To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide. We will be discussing these “sentences” in class this week.

·         Qui d’autre fait partie de ta famille? (Who else is in your family?)


·         J’ai aussi un grand-papa. (I also have a grandfather.)

o   Comment s’appelle ton grand-papa? (What is your grandfather’s name?)

§  Mon grand-papa s’appelle…. (My grandfather’s name is…)

·         J’ai aussi une grand-maman. (I also have a grandmother.)

o   Comment s’appelle ta grand-maman? (What is your grandmother’s name?)

§  Ma grand-maman s’appelle… (My grandmother’s name is…)


·         Numbers 1-20

·         Written numbers 0-10 (ie: 0- zéro)

·         Counting back from 10-0