Homework (les devoirs) October 22nd- 26th

Posted: October 19, 2018

Due Date: 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Homework: October 22nd- 26th

·         Scholastic Book orders are due Friday

·         Listen to the song “Louis Ours” (video is on page 4)

o   Gesture: form a circle with your fingers around your mouth

·         Complete number sheet #20

·          Math sheet: fill in the missing numbers (counting back from 20)

·          Practice counting backwards from 20-10 (if time)

·         Continue to listen to French songs (if interested)

 To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide. We will be discussing these “sentences” in class this week.

·         Quel animal as-tu à la maison? (What pet do you have at home?)

o   J’ai _____ à la maison. (I have ___ at home.)

§  Chien (dog) chat (cat) poisson (fish)

We will review:

·         Combien de personnes y a-t’il dans ta famille? (How many people are in your family?)

·         Dans ma famille il y a ____ personnes.(There are ___ people in my family.)

·         Qui y a-t ‘il dans ta famille?(Who is in your family?)

o   Il y a mon papa(s), ma maman(s), mon frère(s) et ma sœur(s).(In my family there is my dad, my mom, my sister, and my brother.)


·         Counting back from 20-10

·         Numbers 1-20

·         Written numbers 0-10 (ie: 0- zéro)