Homework (les devoirs) March 18th- March 21st

Posted: March 15, 2019

Due Date: 

Friday, March 15, 2019

March 18th-22nd  

·        Reminder: No school for students on Friday

·        Thursday: Students can buy hot chocolate for $1 at recess.

·        Monday to Wednesday: Book Fair (Wednesday is Family Night)

  • If students wish to buy a book at the Book Fair the money must be in by Wednesday. 


·        listen to the song: Thomas Tigre (video is on page 2)

o   Gesture: Place your hand over your ear.

·        Mini Pink Booklets: If interested, students practice reading the 4 words (week 2/orange).

·            Read the book given several times throughout the week.

  • Blue duo-tang: Les doubles (___+___=10) 

To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide.


·        Que manges-tu au déjeuner? (What do you eat for breakfast?)

o   Je mange… (des oeufs, du yogourt, pain grillé) au déjeuner. I eat… (eggs, yogurt, toast) for breakfast.

·        Que manges-tu au diner? (What do you eat for lunch?)

o   Je mange …(un sandwich, une pomme) au diner.  (I eat… (a sandwich, an apple) for lunch.)

·        Que manges-tu au souper? (What do you eat for supper?)

o   Je mange… (du poulet, du riz, des carottes) au souper. (I eat… (chicken, riz, carrots) for supper.


·        Addition

·        Mental math strategies

·        Counting by 5s and 10s

·        Counting back from 100-90