Posted: March 1, 2019
Due Date:
- Popcorn money due Wednesday ($1)
- Reading Challenge
- Pink Shirt Day Friday (Stop bullying)
- Book Fair Notice for next week
HomeworkMarch 11th- 15th
· listen to the song: Francine Fourmi (video is on page 2)
o Gesture: move your hand up and down (taking a drink).
· Mini Pink Booklets: If interested, students practice reading the 4 words (week 1/yellow).
· Read the book given several times throughout the week.
- Blue duo-tang: Les doubles (addition with doubles)
To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide.
· Quel fruit aimes-tu manger? (What fruit do you like to eat?)
o J’aime manger des pommes. (I like apples. )
· Quel légume aimes-tu manger? (What vegetables do you like to eat?)
o J’aime manger des carottes. (I like carrots)
· Addition: doubles (ie: 5+5, 6+6)
· Mental math strategies (ie: How does knowing your doubles help with solving other addition problems?)