homework (les devoirs) February 4th- 8th

Posted: February 1, 2019

Due Date: 

Friday, February 1, 2019


February 4th- 8th

Thursday: Jersey Day or NeverDunn tshirt

·        listen to the song: Katherine Coccinelle (video is on page 2)

§  Gesture: place head above your eyes as if you see someone far away.

·         Blue duo-tang: math sheet: Je peux faire 10 (__+___=10)

·        Mini Pink Booklets: If interested, students practice reading the words (week 1/ blue). Same as Red-duo tang however I thought this may be easier.

·        Read the book given several times throughout the week.

To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide.

French :

·         Qui est le directeur de l’école? (Who is the principal at our school?)

o    Le directeur de l’école est M. Buggie (The principal is Mr. Buggie)

·         Qui est ton ensignante? (Who is your teacher?)

·         Qui est le concierge? (Who is the janitor?)

·         Qui est l’enseignant de de music?(Who teaches music class?)


·         Addition: what makes 10 (ie: 5+5, 6+4)

·         Review numerals (20-50)

·         Introduce written math problems.