Homework (les devoirs) February 25th- March 1st

Posted: February 22, 2019

Due Date: 

Friday, February 22, 2019


February 25th- March 1st 


·        Please see notice pertaining to Winter Carnival Dress Up Days

·        Friday: Students will be skating in Renous from 9:45 10:30 (parents are also invited to attend :))



·   listen to the song: Brigitte Baleine

o   Gesture: give a thumbs up, moving your thumb up and down.  

·        Mini Pink Booklets: If interested, students practice reading the 4 words (week 4/green).

·        Read the book given several times throughout the week.

·        Blue duo-tang: addition sheet

To help your child to achieve greater success, here are a few suggestions you can use as a guide.


·         Qu’est-ce que tu veux être quand tu seras grand? (What would you like to be when you grow up?)

o    Je veux être _____. (I would like to be_______.)

·         Que fait… (un médecin, un popmier, un policier)? (What does a… (doctor, firefighter, police officer) do?

o    Un policier protège la communauté. (A police officer protects the community.)


·         Addition: doubles (1+1, 2+2 etc.)