Posted: May 2, 2023
Math 7 -More practice with coordinate Geometry.(All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)
Test -->Next week
Math 8- Day 2 of review of grade 7 finding the area of circles, triangles and rectangles.( All notes from today's class is attached below)
Class/Homework- Worksheet from class today (Attached below)
Science 6 - Mr. Richard is reviewing of scientific method and reviewed questions for assessment on May 2. If you missed class make sure you get your notes from a friend. (preparing for science assessment on May 2)
Class/Homework: None
Science 7 - Lab day to work on the projects (Notes posted below ).
Class/Homework: None
Science 8-Mr. Richard is reviewing the scientific method and reviewed questions for science assessment that is May 9 & May 18. If you miss any notes then you are to get them from a friend
Homework: None