Posted: April 16, 2019
NRF 10-Linear/nonlinear, discret and contiunous. Also we look at interpreting graphs
Class/Homework: Page 294 #6, 7 , 8
Math 6 - ch. 6 on invetigating triangles by looking at interior angles. Students MUST study the definition of the tyes of triangles (Over the past 2 days we worked on the following questions in class. They must be fiinished for tomorrow)
Class / Homework: We did the PAge 207 #2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Math 8 -.
Class / Homework:: No Homework
Science 9 - More Notes on Asexual & Sexual reproduction.(see attached PDF for notes)
Class/Homework: Start studying notes for 15 min each night.
Quiz On Mitosis Diagram is Thursday, April 18 (Quiz outline given today)