Grade 9 - Home Learning note

Posted: April 7, 2020

I am so pleased to see so many of you have logged in to CommonLit and completed the first reading. However, I noticed that some of you did not put in answers for the short answer question(s). Please be sure to do this as I am going to check these but some of you did not place any answers for the short response questions so your submitted marks will reflect this. Try to go back in and re-submit a response. If you have any questions or can not do this, please let me know.

Those of you who did answer all of them, I have marked them and you did quite well with this. Great work! Keep working away on these. It will pay off in the end - your brains will thank you :)

Remember, if any of you wish to share your journals with me at the end of the week, please feel free. I would love to see what you have come up with.

Also, do not forget to check out Mr. Sturgeon's teacher page. He has a fantastic obstacle course challenge for you to complete.

Stay safe, stay home but try to get out to enjoy the sunshine.

Talk soon,

Mrs. J.