English 112 - Home Learning Week 5 - May 4 - 8

I am posting tonight because we all need to go to school tomorrow to gather our things. If you are heading to the school, please be sure to remember to social distance yourselves at least 6 feet away (2 meters) from each other and follow all of the directions in order for us all to be safe. It will be good to actually see some of you tomorrow.

So this week is going to be a little more challenging as I am going to attempt for you to complete some of the work for Hamlet. Before you left school, we all read through the modern versoin of Hamlet with assigned characters for each of the characters so you all have to "just" of the plot. I am going to assign a couple clips for you to watch in order to refresh your memories on what actually takes place in the play and them you will complete the written assignment which will be shared with me on Google Docs.

So here we go...

Go to the following you tube links and watch ALL of the clips. When you have finished, complete the multiple choice test that goes along with the play. Complete the test in Google Docs prividing only the ANSWER for the question - you do not need to write out the answers just give me the correct letter for the answer. Share this with me and I will assess the test for you and share your results. This will be due Monday, May 11.



****Please do not forget about the Cell Phone Character Assignment I already assigned for you. This is due Friday, May 15. Some of you have already completed this and I have answered your emails so you know I received the assignment.****

As always, please reach out to me through my email or text if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care and be safe. We will talk soon.

Mrs. J. xo