Home Learning Jan 21st

Posted: January 20, 2022

Math- Catch up day! Complete anything you may not have finished during the week.

Continue with Dreambox.  Try to complete 5 lessons this week. Username and password is on the Dreamscape sheet given in your week 1 packet.



French-  Design your own t-shirt.  Remember this is for our French clothing unit so if you were thinking about putting words on your shirt make sure they are French words.

When finished, try some activities on FLORA (Level 4, Module 3) .  I would suggest « J’ecoute et je parle » and « Je fais des activités »

Level 4 Module 3 (nbed.nb.ca)


PhysEd- Check out Mr. Sturgeons teacher page 


Reading- I have a new assignment posted for Dreamscapes for the week.  The login and password for this program is in the student packet that was picked up last Monday.


PDF icon tshirt.pdf252.03 KB