Middle School Daily PE/Wellness Activity - April 22

Posted: April 22, 2020

Here is the suggested daily activity for middle school and grade 9 students. As always, this suggested activity can be replaced with any indoor or outdoor activity of your choosing, as long as it is increasing your heart rate! Today is Earth Day, so I am also recommending you take some additional time outside today to connect with nature. Go for a hike, climb a tree, pick up some garbage out of this ditch, anything that gives you a little appreciation for nature!

Today's suggested workout is called the "Heidi Hero" workout. It is 6 exercises that you complete 23 reps of each time. Your goal is to complete the circuit of exercises as many times as possible in 23 minutes. Take breaks between exercises as you see fit, but try and get as many sets as you can!

Have a great day everyone!

PDF icon heidi_hero_1.pdf66.41 KB