K-2 Daily PE/Wellness Activity April 22

Posted: April 22, 2020

Here are today's suggested PE/Wellness activities. As always, you can replace these activities with some indoor or outdoor activities of your choice!
Today, in celebration of earth day, I am recommending the daily activities from the BOKS activity calendar. The morning burst is call the "Earth Day Burst". You can follow this up with the live BOKS class on their FB page at 1pm, which I shared yesterday and will share again. Finally, you can take some time for the yoga/mindfulness activity of the day, which is the "Mindful Breaths" activity. Put together, this is a great, and well rounded, set of activities for the day to both have some fun, get your heart rate up, and stay grounded.
All of the resources for the activity calendar were in may post from yesterday, and can also be accessed from the "Recent Files" section on the right have side of this page.
Also, if you haven't gotten a chance to try the tree climbing challenge from yesterday's post, today would be a great day to try, since it is Earth Day!
Have a great day folks!