Grade 9 Daily PE/Wellness Activity - April 21

Posted: April 21, 2020

Good morning everyone,

Here is a suggested daily workout for middle school and grade 9 students. Of course, you can always replace this suggestion with an indoor or outdoor activity of your choice, as long as you are either getting your heart rate up, or practicing some mindfulness or relaxation.

Today;s workout is called "Larry lost his barbell" and it is a countdown workout where you will begin with 10 reps of an exercise, then move on to 10 reps of each of the next exercises. Then when you get back to the first exercise, you will do 9 reps, 8, 7, 6 and so on. This one can be intense, so don't be scared to take a few breaks throughout the workout.

Have fun!

PDF icon larry_lost_his_barbell.pdf57.21 KB