Grade 9 Daily PE/Wellness Activity - April 16

Posted: April 16, 2020

Grade 9:

I hope you guys are committing to your journals, as they are a great way to reflect on daily activities, and to track your progress as well. As always, you can participate in any type of activity that you like, as long as you take the time to journal the experience. For today, I suggest the "Countdown Craziness" activity. This is a circuit style with 5 exercises that will decrease in the number of reps throughout the workout. It starts with 50 reps and decreases down to 10 reps. Try and go through the 5 exercises with minimal rest between exercises. I suggest you do at least 3 rounds, with some rest between each round. You can certainly do more if you like!


PDF icon countdown_craziness_workout.pdf95 KB