Daily PE/Wellness Activities for K-9 students - May 15

Posted: May 15, 2020

Good morning everyone,


Here are the suggested daily PE/Wellness activities for today. If you are following the weekly activity guides you can refer to DAY #5 of the weekly plan. These are great activities as they are all derived from the curricular outcomes for each grade.


Also, if you are looking for a simple game to try today, this one is called "Backboard Bank Shot". The set up is easy, and the only materials you need at just some implements to toss or throw (Ball, bean bag, socks, etc.) and something to catch those implements (hamper, box, bucket, etc.) You can change the size of the throwing object and the receptacle to increase or decrease the difficulty. This is a great way to practice your underhand toss or overhand throwing cues, as well as target accuracy. 




Have a great day, and weekend everyone!