(June 1st - 5th) Home Learning Language Arts 8C

Posted: June 1, 2020

Language Arts 8C

Mon. June 1st – Fri. June 5th 

1.     Read 20 minutes silently everyday.

2.     Read and respond to this week’s Common Lit assignments.

  • a.      They’re Made of Meat
  • b.     Will We Know Alien Life When We See It?” by Tina Hesman Saey

3.    Writing Activites

  • a.      “They’re Made Out of Meat” is an allegory (a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one) about prejudice. What do you think is the author’s deeper message about how we prejudge and make assumptions? How does this influence human behavior?
  • b.     Place yourself in the position of a scientist. How would you define what does and does not constitute life? How does these two texts challenge your understanding of what defines life?

4.     Complete ANY 2 of the attached options for Quickwrites this week (I have one listed for every day and while you are free to do it every day for 5 minutes (go for longer if you wish…but don’t go past 15minutes), aim for 2.  Feel free to share these with me via email, Microsoft Teams or on our weekly call. I encourage you to share your writing with somebody at home too.



Narrative Monday:

Weather affects people in different ways around the globe. Think about a time when the weather has had a significant impact on your life. Write a story sharing your experience.


Persuasive Prompt Tuesday:

Is it better to be a child, a teenager, or an adult? What are the benefits of each age? What are the drawbacks? Choose the period of life that you think is best and write an essay arguing why it is the best time of life. Support your position with anecdotes from your own life as well as facts and details drawn from the lives of others.


Explanatory Wednesday:

Smartphones, tablet PCs, social media, and constant connectivity are changing the ways that people live, think, work, and connect. How do these technologies shape your life? Are you plugged in or tuned out? Why? Write an essay that explains to your fellow students the ways that you connect digitally and predicts how people will connect in the future.


Picture Prompt/Quote Thursday:



Descriptive Friday:

Write a story that begins with the phrase, “No one really understands why I always run when I see a __________.” Remember, the goal is to describe clearly what you see, fear, etc.