Home Learning

Posted: April 6, 2020

Let me begin by saying that I hope you are all well and are staying safe. Today marks the beginning of Home or Online Learning for Blackville School as well as all the other schools in the district and province. 



These are strange times for all of us and therefore calls for patience from all of us. Mental health and physical well-being are the priority at this point, I encourage everyone (students and parents alike) to follow the Chief Medical Officer and province's advice. However, there are still things we can learn...yes, even me. I imagine I will be doing as much learning as many of you going forward.



To that, I am not entirely sure how my courses will be set up at this point; I have ideas and methods I will try but it is important to point out that they will need to be adjusted and changed according to how they work for you and for me. For the time being, I will attempt to post an update to this, my teacher page on the Blackville school webpage, once a week on the Monday or Tuesday of the beginning of the week. It will have the course title and the date. I will also be experimenting with Microsoft Teams (Grade 8C Lang. Arts students will be familiar with this to some extent), Facebook groups, and Google classroom. 



Firstly, I would like all of my students to check and see if they can access their Office 365 accounts. This will allow you access to my classrooms via Microsoft Teams AND will give you access to programs like Outlook (for email), Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. I'm attaching a document from the district to the this Note that outlines how to reset password for email.



Secondly, if you have questions about anything my email is: 


I try to get back to people as soon as possible.


Stay safe, and to my homeroom students, I will be making contact with all of you over the course of today and tomorrow and will be doing so weekly to check in and see how school is going. Mr. Aaron Johnston

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