TEST Canadian Identity 9 Chapters 3&4

Posted: April 1, 2019


Mon, Apr 8/19 9:42 am

Chapter 3: Canada’s People

  • Know all your definitions (they are the bolded/italicized words in notes)

  • What is population distribution vs. population density?  Be prepared to explain.

  • Population of Canada? Pop.Density of Canada?

  • What is the difference between site and situation factors?  Be able explain and give examples of each.

  • Why did settlements begin where they did in each of the regions of Canada (see 2 bullets below for regions)?

  • What is the difference between urban and rural?  Where do most of Canada’s pop. live?  How has it changed over time?

  • What are Canada’s five regions? Atlantic, Central, The Prairies, British Columbia, the North. (p.52 in textbook)

  • What are the physical/cultural attributes of each?  What are the political/economical attributes of each?  (p.52 in textbook)

  • What is the core vs. peripherary?  What happens in each?  Where is the core of Canada?  Why is it the core?


Chapter 4: Migration: People on the Move

  • Push vs. Pull factors:  What are they?  Examples of each?  How have they affected Canadian immigration

  • First Nations: When did they get here?  What are the theories about their arrival?

  • Who controls immigration? The Federal gov’t does

  • Know what a melting pot is vs. a multicultural mosaic.

  • How has our policy of immigration changed over time?  Look at examples of where we have not been accepting of different groups.

  • What is the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?

  • How many immigrants should Canada accept?  How many refugees should Canada accept?  Be prepared to argue both of these questions (good points can be found on p.66 of textbook)

  • Know the idea of emigration (the idea of leaving a country).  With this, know the concept of the “brain drain.”  Is this something we should be worried about?  Why or why not? (p.70 in textbook)