Grade 8 Chapter 6 Test

Posted: December 9, 2014

Review Questions 1. What two ways are culture change?  Describe an example of each. 2. In NB who has influenced us internally and who externally?  How? 3. What is the role of the CBC? 4. Know ALL of the definitions. 5. What is cultural diversity? 6. Explain how Canada is a multicultural country.  How do we encourage multiculturalism?  Is multiculculturalism a good thing?  Why or why not? 7. Know steretype vs. prejudice vs. discrimination.  Be prepared to give an example of each an dbe able to discuss/explain. 8. What are three ways to combat racism?  Explain each in detail. 9 .What is a refugee? (p.88-89 in textbook) 10. How does racism affect the racist? the group experiencing the racism?       and society as a whole? (see p.86 for examples)