Posted: May 3, 2020
ASSIGNMENT: What’s In Your Backyard? (see links below as possible resources)
This week we will be exploring species that live in the woods and waters of New Brunswick. You will need to create a PowerPoint or Google Slide presentation that summarizes your findings. Be sure to include lots of pictures and facts…including any of your own wildlife pictures. Be great to have video and audio clips as well! Have fun with this one and I hope you will learn from this assignment what is in your backyard.
Hinterland Who’s Who…
Canadian Geographic…
Plant Watch…
PRESENTATION COMPONENTS: You must have 5 NB species from each of the following categories…
1) Mammals
2) Birds
3) Fish
4) Reptiles/Amphibians
5) Plants
NOTE: Each species must have at least 2 pictures and 4 facts.
CHALLENGE: Pick lesser known species so awareness can be made from your work. For the plants, choose edible species so that this information could be used for survival purposes.
SUBMISSION: Send/share your presentation to
FYI... Uncle Paulie has released his second 'Knotty Time Fun' video for those who enjoyed the lesson on knots - check it out:
Note... I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday. I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well. I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email. Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page. Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.