Week 4 Coop (MAKE) 120

Posted: April 27, 2020

Assignment...  Photo Editing Challenge (see attached document for details and instructions)

Alternative Assignment...  For those who are struggling with using the available programs for creating a photo collage, design and build a mini greenhouse that will start the growth of your favorite produce.  You must include pics of your mini greenhouse and complete 5 of the questions presented in the Teachable Moment link below.

Brilliant Labs Design Challenge (Purple Section)… Shortened the Distance from Seed to Plate

Tools: You will need something for the base, clear plastic or some type of clear weather barrier, soil, water and either seeds from the store, or seeds from produce you have in your fridge.

Teachable Moment:  https://c9326ee4-67c5-423c-a2cc-0d7c5d774c07.filesusr.com/ugd/dc6d3c_58da5ac099b74d0ba12b0cc2a514ab23.pdf

Submission...  I have a tab in TEAMS called 'Week 4 Online Learning'.  Using OneNote on mobile device and/or Teams on Laptop, attach your tasks as an attachment.  For those doing the alternative assignment, put pics/videos into TEAMS as well.  If you are not comfortable with TEAMS, send the pics/videos to Ashley.Hallihan@nbed.nb.ca. 


Note...  I have decided to change the submission days to be anytime up to Sunday.  I will also be posting some highlights from the previous week on Wednesday’s so you can see your classmates work as well.  I do plan to respond to your work by providing you some feedback through email.  Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times (on Facebook Wellness group) as well as Mr. Sturgeon’s Teacher page.  Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.